Culture of Water

New Center of Documentation in Sabine

exhibition design

As Spazi Consonanti (with Mao Benedetti e Sveva Di Martino)

Artistic interventions: 

Gianandrea Gazzola

Stefano Scialotti

Exhibition design and museographic project for the new Center of Documentation on the Culture of Water in Sabine, Castel Sant'Angelo (Italy)

Italian Heritage Award for architectural restoration, with the completed design for the so-called “Baths of Titus” in Castel Sant’Angelo, Italy.


Water is the connecting element, physical and symbolic, between the different spaces, each with a different museological purpose.

Visit itinerary.

An immersive experience

Images of the heritage of the territory, projected on holo screens suspended on a floor of water.

by Stefano Scialotti.

The teaching rooms.

The volumen, wooden structures designed by Gianandrea Gazzola, and the ancient sources projected onto the water.

© Gianandrea Gazzola

The Volumen is operated manually.


Artistic intervention by Gianandrea Gazzola

The installation that owes its name to the Lymphae Commotiles, nymphs who lived on the floating island of the sacred lake of Cotilia.

© Gianandrea Gazzola


Cisterna delle Sette Sale